
What is Gravity Coin?

GravityCoin GXX has been reshaped into Sigma privacy!

GravityCoin is a proof of Work (CPU mineable with pools) payment coin with Masternodes, part of a broader ecosystem of blockchain projects discussed on TokenAlphabet.com.

SIGMA aka ZerocoinV3 has been added and has been activated at Block 533777.
This removes the trusted setup and flaw of libzero code, and secures anonymous transactions.

Proofs take only fraction of the CPU power needed for zerocoin.
Sigma is a precursor of protocol Lelantus, that will allow to remove fixed denominations we currently use.

*The available Rasperry Pi wallet offers the most decentralized Masternodes operations solution.

*Exodus smart asset layer available and what can it provide:
-Allow developers to create custom tokens on blockcain
-Distributed exchange for decentralized trading for token

*ElectrumX server online available for developers to build apps for the ecosystem.

*Use anonymous comunication with Tor for even MORE Privacy!

*Built in Dandelion broadcasting and transaction protection!